Today we start with the entrance to Santa Anita which has been skim coated with cement and painted white.
Inside the gate looking south west down the street we see the two finished houses and on (the closest ) under construction for our newest additions Paul and Angela Javora who will be emigrating from Houston TX. with our house on the left in back. and Julio and Paula Gonzalez's in back on the right.
Approaching our house we see a small section of unfinished garden taken this morning which is to the left of our driveway entrance.
And the planted garden taken after lunch today.
Also the area at the far side of the circular drive before planting with the new plants in the foreground waiting to be planted.
And again the after photo taken after lunch today.
Just to the left of the area above, behind the wall, are two raised beds with crops about a month away. In the forground we will have cabbage, squash (3 kinds) broccoli and cauliflower. and the bed behind is full of potatoes.
Across the house in the opposite corner of the lot we have our abundantly producing raised beds with string beans, pea pods, carrots, onions, spinach, beets, turnips, swiss chard and kale.
And if your turn around you will see the results of the gardeners good work around the orchard and yard.
Till next time.