Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7, 2013 the flowers are blooming

First we have our first explorer-our long tailed friend who is now one of four different hummingbirds (more photos as we can catch them.)

Here is what he is feeding on the Honeysuckle on the front porch.

The gardener has finally gotten most of the wires up on the house walls and the fence walls for the bougainvilleas to climb on as you can see outside the guest bedroom.

The white fence walls are lined with alternating Hibiscus and Bougainvillea. Here is one of the beautiful yellow blooms that is growing in the orchard.

If you turn around and look along the wall outside the master bathroom you find these purple flowered shrubs that are really starting to get healthy.

And their blooms are quite vibrant.

The orchard garden has been fully harvested and we have cleared out most of the first plantings and replanted the peas, beans, carrots and onions. The remaining spinach, chard and onions continue to yield for the kitchen.

As mentioned earlier we have the perimeter wall planted with alternating Honey suckle and  Bougainvillea. Here we have a vision of things to come.

Looking along  one of the back walls we can see the wires and their effects. Some of these Honeysuckles are blooming enough to attract the Hummers too.

 The blooms on the young bottle brush trees are a great hummer magnet.

We have three of these trees in the back corner of the lot.

Outside the dining room window the kitchen herb garden is taking off with Basil, Sage, Parsley and a towering plant of Cilantro

We dug the rest of the potato bed on Saturday and it now rests waiting for ferterlizer and more potatos.The bed on the right still has one little Zuccini plant and our struggling cauliflowers.

Here you can see the cauliflowers trying to create a couple of heads.

Moving over to the greenhouse we have two huge cherry tomato plants dominating the right rear bed. With some new young tomato plants and Basil in the foreground.

The lettuce on the left side has been producing for over a month now and is about ready to go to seed but it still is delicious and tender.

In the left rear we have more tomatoes about ready to bear fruit and a few young ones just starting out.

Out front the yard and grass outside the garage is thriving and looking good.

As are the flowers in the front circle - note the large bougainvillea climbing the wall behind the front of the car.

The grass in the left front yard is struggling but the flowers and trees are happy.

Up on the game room chimney we have our second Internet antennae as we continue or search for a reliable source of high speed internet service. This big white one is getting signal from a mountain on the other side of Ibarra.

And finally the boys play in front of their new kennel that surrounds their house.

till next time.