Sunday, September 18, 2011

End Week 11 - Two things, the house and hiking in Intag rain forest

On Thursday I went hiking with my new friend Dr. Andreas Ray in the Intag. It is a rain forest area west of Cotacachi. If you have Google Earth installed I can send you a file that will trace our route. (just send me an email and I will attach it to a reply.) our trip went from Santa Rosa to Apuela.
Anyway after a 2.5 hour bus ride we arrived at our jumping off point of Santa Rosa (basically a school) and we took the path to the left.

Below are photos of some of the many flowers and orchids and a butterfly we saw along the way:

Here is a photo of Andreas my hiking companion and guide, at our lunch spot:

and here is how I saw Andreas most of the hike:

Here is the waterfall where we ate lunch a very beautiful and restful spot:

And here is a tired me next to some very big leaves about half way into the trip:

At last we arrived in the square of the village of Apuela and sat down to a well deserved cervesa and two bottles of water.


The X spot photo today is changed very little, most of the work was done on the other side of the house.

They have removed the arch supports from many openings, here is the view from the Living Room thru the entrance.
Here is the sauna wall in the bathroom - on the left is the coated reinforced wall and on the right the exposed 4x4 mesh wire 

Here is a detail of the reinforcement

Here is where most of the work was done this week, remember there is wire on both sides of the wall with conections thru the wall.

Ane welcomes all from the entrance.

Last here is the front view showing the guest bedroom and office windows whos sills have been raised so they will be approx 1 meter from the floor so can have desk or bed under them.

Well that's it for this week thanks for visiting.

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