Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28th, 2012

Well today we update the landscaping project:
first our X Spot photo showing the start of our living bamboo fence that will come off the corner of the kitchen window.

When the lot was graded for drainage they took all the topsoil off and  that's why we had to bring in all the organic soil from the mountains. Well to plant that bamboo fence and other trees this week they had to dig (with a pick) deep and wide so we could fill below and around the roots with organic fertilizer and topsoil to give them a chance to make it. Here is what the ditch for the Bamboo looked like just prior to planting.
 Here is a shot of the planted row
and from another angle. it will be getting a gate on the side next to the house which is on the left and will be extended out to the perimeter wall which will be on the right once it is built.

Meanwhile on the other side of the house our citrus grove started with several 3-4 foot wide and 2.5 foot deep holes.

which many hands made quick work of the planting process. ( this sneaky shot was from the balcony )

Now we just have to wait a year or so for fruit but we will have plenty of lemons, oranges and limes. Yet to be planted are the apples, peaches and the avocado.

They will be in the ground by this time next week as they are sitting on the sidelines right now.
see ya next week.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday May 19, 2012

Well we are well on our way with landscaping this week.but first the X Spot showing what 11 trucks of soil look like from that angle. Even as they start leveling it out for the lawns.

Around the back we have plants and trees waiting for a home.

We started planting at the edge of the back patio Thats Jamie hiding behind the greenery.

The next morning we see the result of Jamie our gardener working long after dark the night before.

Here a truck delivers a load of high mountain grassland soil, that area is called the Paramo, is above the treeline and acts as a giant sponge for the moisture on the mountains. This organic soil is the result of years and years of grass building up the topsoil.

Here is what most of the 11 loads looked like from the back corner of the lot.

Out front before Jamie started his magic.

And here is his creation with three ficus trees and a small field of flowers.

Up close to the house on the right of the front door looked like this: Before photo

Here is the after, we will add some decorative stones in the center.

Over to the left of the front entrance a row of Hydrangeas with Bougainvillea On the corner and in the middle.

Around the corner another Bougainvillea, we will have many of them all around the house and when the walls go up around them too.

Here the collection is dwindling and we need to go to Quito next week and get more.

That's all for now folks

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 44, May 12, 2012

Well, we made it we are finally moved in and living in our wonderful new home.
We start with the X spot photo, not much to see except the workers pouring the patio slab.

And here is the patio slab almost finished.

Two days later the patio is finished (two shots)

around the corner the storage sheds for the waterheater/gas tanks and the water punp have their doors installed.

out front the front doors and the garage doors have been hung and finished.

and finally you can see the curbs for the circular driveway are poured. 

Stay tuned next week we start the garden and yard work.