Sunday, October 28, 2012

October 28, 2012

Well this week was very busy outside first we have the X Spot Photo showing some of the construction materials waiting to be used and also the bamboo planting  has been completed here and on the other wire fence that encloses the orchard.

All inside perimeter walls are now planted with red bougainvillea and honeysuckle which we hope will cover the walls entirely, eventually.

The back yard is taking shape as the gardeners smoothed out the dirt piles and prepared the soil with organic fertilizer making it ready for grass seed. They also mowed the existing grass for the first time.

And around the corner the Magnolia is happily blooming!!

As I mentioned the bamboo is all planted here is the back corner fence area that closed off the orchard.

In the orchard we have placed stakes around the apricots and next to the other trees to try and protect them from the rambunctious play of the dogs.

Out front Ane was watering the grass and flowers as we have been dry now for about a week.

To the right of the previous photo we see the turnaround at the end of the street has been graded.

And as we turn around we see the rest of the street has been graded and is now ready for the cobble stone pavers and sidewalks which will be installed soon.

We took the boys for a walk down to the entrance and the front wall is now half done and should be completed on the other side next week.

And here the boys are playing by the wall, 

See ya next time...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 20, 2012

Well less than 3 weeks this time, today the Boys are 6 months old and we took them out to see their brothers and Mom and also we weighed all four brothers.
Odin and Manny both came in at 69 lbs. and Tony and Tor both weigh 73 lbs.
Here is Sean weighing Manny (I think) while Tor in red collar looks on.

Around the house we have been busy....Went to Nayon a little town on edge of Quito Wed and picked up trees and shrubs, here are a bunch of plants on the front lawn waiting to be planted next week.

In the back over in the corner we now have three young bottle brush trees soon to catch the eye of many a humming bird.

and outside the yoga room window we planted the real "find" our new magnolia!!

Meanwhile on Monday we started three new walkways, first out to the Dog House this will cut down on a lot of mud and dirt into the house.

Around to the right we have the walk going past the future bread oven area, out the gate and past the wood and storage sheds.

Over in the Orchard the path is done and will allow us to meander thru the trees and pick their fruit quite easily.

We also installed wire fencing at both interior gates closing off the area behind the garage and the orchard from the main back yard. the orchard fence awaits its bamboo wall to shield it.

As the perimeter walls near completion the front entrance awaits its motorized gate with a flimsy barbed wire horse and cow barrier.

The front walls are going up next week and will curve away from the interior side of the gate and over to the side walls. here we see the footing for the wall on the eastern side of the entrance looking mostly east from the inside of the gate.

More next time.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October 3, 2012 (about three weeks since last post)

Well the traditional X Spot photo shows the bamboo before final planting

and here is a shot after yesterdays planting, still need 2 or two more to finish the bamboo wall but progress is being made.

also from the X spot shooting across the newly painted yard walls

Around to the left front corner of the house we see the two piles of Paramo dirt waiting to go into the interior yard around the perimeter wall and overview of the new walls.

Inside across the back they are putting the finishing touch on the cement cap for the wall and have gotten the base protection panel finished. Just need a resin sealer and the work is done on the inside of the perimeter wall!!

We had to sink another well to try and get enough water to grow the garden and lawn. The new well does the job at 11 meters deep, we have an abundant flow (never stops coming out of the hose). We are hoping the silt will clear up after a couple of months of usage and we can use it for the house too.

The orchard now has 4 new additions of our from the "pit sprouted" apricot trees, here is one, happy in its new home.

And the rest of the orchard now sheltered inside the new yard wall.

The avocado lost all its leaves only to come back looking fresh and vibrant. I was worried we were going to loose it.

And here is an update on our 5 month 2 week old boys giving Ane their full attention.

Stay happy;)