Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 14th 2013

Hi folks, well here is the July update

The front entrance is getting overgrown with Honeysuckle

Moving counter clockwise around the house we see the two long raised beds with the coming potatoes (sometime late Sept early Oct)

Over in the greenhouse Ane shows her morning harvest of cherry tomatoes.

On the other side of the house the Orchard grass continues to fill in and fruits are setting on the trees.

Here we see the figs sizing up. (have to keep the dogs away from this one as they think green figs make great toys.)

A naranja (like a tangerine) is ready to pick.

The peaches are setting on. I  may need to thin them a little to get some bigger fruit.

The apples are in full bloom.

Here we see the black cistern in its new location. It used to sit to left of the underground cistern.

The boys relax with their leather chews

The boys also think that the new tiles make for another area to lounge around 

Will try to get updates up again in first of August,