Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 14- Trip to Cheese Factory and the House progress

First, our trip to Yanayacu Cheese Factory---
After meeting the group at the bus station and an adventureous bus ride (my photos here were gone because the memory card was not in the camera!!!) We entered thru a long palm tree lined drive that had bogunvelia growing in them, shown here from the yard near the milking barn and cheese factory.
Here is the herd of "contented" cows
And one came by the entrance to the Cheese Factory for a photo op..
Here is where the cows line up to give their milk,
The cheese making room where everything is very clean
The heated copper vat where the milk is seperated into cheese curds and whey (which is fed back to the cows)
After the seperation the curds are placed into molds and pressed in this tank.
downstairs in the "cave"the cheese is aged for up to 6 years
These wheels are wine washed twice a day for 6 months and are almost ready very tasty
Here is one of their specalities Mutchli aged 5 weeks tastes much like colby. Comes in the big wheel or half Kilo rounds.
Then for the fondu lovers here is some really old cheese 6+years ( we had some last night ) it is quite good despite what the outside looks like. Notice the mold growing on the bottom wheel.


The standard X spot photo, looking closely you can detect the second floor has been poured.
From the back yard you see the 2nd floor is ready for walls and the porch arched supports are done under the plastic ( used to keep the raw adobe from being desolved by the heavy rains that sometimes are hapening in the night.)
Going up the ladder in photo above you see what the poured floor looks like. ( Its ready for the walls of the second floor)
Under the second floor we now have a slightly gloomy main hallway.
The fireplace progress' up to the top of wall height this week.

Well thanks for coming, see ya next week:)

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